World Beyond Academics
Let your child think beyond academics and develop his persona
Parents in India can be seen pushing their children to the brink of insanity when it comes to education. Take Rohan for example. Rohan is a student of standard XI and has decided to become an engineer. There can be little doubt that he has a long way to go before he fulfils his dreams. But should a dream put an end to life itself?
Take a look at his schedule: He gets up at 6 am and then goes to school which is 10 kms from his house. He returns only at 3 pm. One hour is all he has to have his lunch, take a little rest and may be watch some television. At 4 pm he leaves for his tuitions and returns back home at 9 pm. Then he also has to ‘socialise’ on networking sites and watch TV and browse the net. Meanwhile, it is important to point out here that since Rohan’s schedule has little scope for physical activity, his parents are worried that he is getting overweight.
Says her mother, Mrs Anjali Diwakar, “Though Rohan is very motivated and goal-oriented, we have to press him at times to stick to his tight schedule. I can understand that my child gets tired but there is just no scope for lethargy as missing even one tuition session only aggravates his problems as he loses out on crucial inputs and then fails to grab the information in successive classes.”
So one will imagine that Rohan plays at least on weekends.
‘’Where is the time? We have to take tests on Saturdays and sometimes even on Sundays. It is killing at times but seeing the fierce competition to get into IITs, there is no other way”, asserts Rohan
Is a dream an end of life?
There is nothing wrong in being ambitious in life. But focus on just one aspect (career) and disregard to other facets of life will only throw your child off the track in the long run. You should focus on the all round development of your child and not just on their academic virtues.
A comprehensive approach is required
A well known saying that goes around in India is Kheloge koodoge banoge kharab (You will ruin your life if you play but you can rule if you study). This over enthusiastic approach towards studies needs to be changed. In todays’competitive world, an impressive personality, more than mere academic excellence, plays a significant role in getting one a dream job. So it is essential that children be allowed and encouraged to pursue their dreams. The latent talents of children should not be sacrificed for the strict schedule of school and tuitions.