Surprising Strange Incidents
Surprising Strange Incidents
Old man Reynolds on his birthday invited some of neighbors and friends and had a modest party.Amelia D’souza,a psychologist and his next-door neighbor counted that exact six decades ago,Mrs. Reynolds went missing without a trace.She went for a walk and didnot come back.Party ended at 10:45 p.m.,everyone including Mrs. Tevias who apparently dozed off near the fireplace,went home.On midnight the doorbellrang,Mr. Reynolds groped for his glasses and went to open the door to reveal his wife,Mrs. Martha Reynolds.
She had the same raven black hair with transparent blue eyes and she looked as if she has not aged a day. She had a long conversation with him, while answering her, he first thought that it was his conscience as he was sure he had sent a person to kill her.The person claimed that he injured her and then she got struck by the ligtining in a forest nearby.Mr. Reynolds had burned all her possessions and claimed her to be missing as he knew she would reveal his secret to the police. His thoughts took a turn when she placed her hand on his shoulder and warmth radiated out of her; this blew the living lights out of him. His wife bid him farewell as she said that she will never return and slammed the door shut. In early morning, Mr. Reynolds found out to be unconscious by the laundry lady so he was admitted in the hospital. He talked about his missing wife so he had been assigned to Amelia, the psychologist, and when he further talked about his illegal dealings,Mr. Jacobs was assigned as the police officer for those cases.
Amelia discussed with Mr. Jacobs as he said in the context that many people have the same claims as Mr. Reynolds that the missing came back without aging a day. Amelia thought of a psychological problem, while she recorded all the strange incidents like a girl claims to be scared of circus but she liked them before. She said that she also gets nightmares and only remembers” ‘The Phantom Circus’ is conducted by people who are real and not real at the same time that is the unreal people”. Amelia saw these cases, sighed and thought about her neighbors Mr. Jacobs with his unusual pets and the Tevias couple with their deep knowledge of ancient medicine and history. Elizabeth was a normal cardiologist unlike other neighbors, she is social.
Elizabeth walked on the street after knowing that there was an attempted kidnapping of a girl who was ironically saved by a small thief. She knew this kind of things draws her friend, Celeoout. A blur transparent figure of a lady appears near the house of the girl, as Elizabeth curtsied and said “Hello, my dear friend, how are you?”. “I am dead but for etiquette’s sake, I am fine. Thankyou.” replied Celeo, the dead warlock. She smiled and said that there was a beckoning in the graveyard. Elizabeth heard that the occurrings have increased their frequency; Celeo’sdescendant got trapped in ‘The Shadows’. Mercy, who was the illusionist, had helped her to escape with a warning. Elizabeth was listening to Celeo when her phone rang.ArinaMorte was calling, previous that night she texted Elizabeth that she and her friend had safely returned from the masquerade ball hosted by the Dark Family of Macintosh who last two centuries lived in Western or CentralAsia.Arina called as her mom is acting weird as she is eerily cleaning her house and not answering to Arina at three at night! Elizabeth waved at Celeo while sitting inher car as Celeo blurs to transparent.
Manna Sarangi