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Save Marine Life


The world’s oceans are important for life on Earth. Oceans are an essential component of the Earth’s ecosystem — a source of biodiversity, food, and life. They also provide minerals, oil, and natural gas. We are never too young to start learning about the many benefits our oceans provide. Without them, life could not exist.


Although the list is almost endless, here are some reasons to save marine life. Oceans are an important source of food. Oceans regulate our climate. It affects our weather. Oceans provide vital renewable energy. Devices are being developed to generate electricity from waves and tides, as well as offshore wind farms. Horseshoe crabs, seaweeds and marine bacteria have also been found to have useful medical properties. Oceans influence our health and well-being. Water is known to calm and reduce anxiety in people and being near blue spaces, such as the ocean, is thought to have positive effects on our mental health. Unfortunately, different human activities are putting our oceans under threat. People pollute oceans by dumping poisonous waste and garbage into them. Ocean pollution reduces oxygen in the water and harms ocean life. Overfishing and oil spills harm ocean life as well. Plastics are also particularly problematic with enormous floating rubbish patches forming in the oceans. Coastal development is destroying and degrading important coastal marine ecosystems such as coral reefs, sea grass meadows and mangroves. We need clean and healthy oceans to support our own health and survival, even if we don’t live anywhere near them. Each and every one of us can make a difference; it’s time to take action!

– Kush Thanki
Class 1-C
Zydus School for Excellence


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