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Pens of Fame Volume – II


Encouraged by the success of our first effort, The School Post brings the volume II of Pens of Fame. We have made every attempt to keep the original flavour intact and retain the genuineness of the writing style, theme, and content.



In our earnest attempt to provide an enabling platform for nurturing creative writing skills amongst children, The School Post instituted Young Author Awards in 2015. We invited children from both, junior and senior classes to share with us stories that reflect original ideas and that are penned by the students. We received the tremendous response in the form of numerous entries. A book titled – Pens of Fame comprising of 27 award -winning stories was published and launched. The book was well received and widely acclaimed. The student community, in particular, appreciated the book as a product that glorified their humble beginning in the field of creative writing. It brought them the recognition and a sense of pride as budding authors who can have a great future ahead of them.

Encouraged by the success of our first effort, The School Post brings the volume II of Pens of Fame.

We have made every attempt to keep the original flavour intact and retain the genuineness of the writing style, theme, and content.

I hope the young readers will love the stories written by the Young Authors. The teachers, parents, guardians and relatives will marvel the creative acumen and bless these young talents.