Pens of Fame Volume – I
Creative minds see the world differently. The chirping of birds, old man sipping tea in cold winter fog, the child’s very own belongings, toys, his parents, grandparents, teachers, all can be story ideas and the characters therein.
In our daily life, we come across several ideas that can create stories. Some people may get five or six while others may not get a single one. Creative minds see the world differently. The chirping of birds, old man sipping tea in cold winter fog, the child’s very own belongings, toys, his parents, grandparents, teachers, all can be story ideas and the characters therein.
We, at The School Post, thought of an idea to invite the young inquisitive and creative minds representing different schools of Ahmedabad and nearby, to pen down their ideas and give them shape in the form of stories. So, we asked them to write and send them to us. The stories poured in, which were a pleasant surprise besides being fun reading them. Some were funny, some were scary, few reflected dreams while some touched the heart and inspired.
Out of several hundred stories, we have selected and compiled the best twenty-seven stories into this book. The first story from each grade is an award-winning story, thus nine stories in all being award winning ones.