


You Will Need:

4 Ripe bananas, Honey, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Granola, Chopped peanuts, Aluminum foil, Pastry brush

What You Do:

  1. Peel the bananas. Place each one on a sheet of aluminum foil.
  2. Sprinkle one banana with cinnamon. Sprinkle one with nutmeg.
  3. Brush one with honey and roll it in granola. Brush one with honey and roll it in chopped peanuts.

  1. Wrap the foil around each banana. Put the bananas in the freezer, and freeze them for 24 hours.
    Unwrap one banana, a little, at a time, and eat it as you would a Popsicle. This recipe is enough for one person for four days or four people for one day. If you are going to share them, make sure that everyone has a taste of each kind of banana. Try other combinations.

A plain frozen banana is delicious, too!