This is the 75th year of India as an independent nation and perhaps a good time to look back at all our past. Being a country so rich in history, culture and diversity the festivals ...
Farming is main occupation of our country. Sixty percentage of our economy is dependent on agriculture but due to use of harmful chemicals and fertilizers the quality of soil is decreasing day by day
Covid-19 - An endemic which rapidly found its way around the world to become a pandemic. Little did we know that this virus is going to have not only physical but also wide-ranging
Old man Reynolds on his birthday invited some of neighbors and friends and had a modest party.Amelia D'souza,
Generation Gap is defined as “a difference of attitudes between people of different generations, leading to a lack of understanding”.
Astronomy has always been believed a modern subject, as it cannot be made possible without advance telescope observatories because astronomy is all about planets and studying the behaviour of Universe which is not possible without ...
Oceans are an essential component of the Earth’s ecosystem — a source of biodiversity, food, and life. They also provide minerals, oil, and natural gas.
Drugs take you to hell, disguised as heaven” We humans are the gifts of nature and metaphorically linked to a rose. Just like a rose has its own speciality and is unique we are also ...
Youths today, dealing with tremendous competition in every sphere, work towards being competent in multiple areas. But being perfect at absolutely everything, is humanly impossible. Given this, it is inevitable that correction and, sometimes criticism, comes their way.
Generation Gap is defined as “a difference of attitudes between people of different generations, leading to a lack ofunderstanding”.