Revolutionary Discovery: Scientists Uncover Mysterious ‘Alien-Like Organisms’ Within Human Bodies


This is a fascinating and highly detailed account of the discovery of “obelisk” entities within the human body! Here’s an alternate, refined title and summary for the content:


Title Suggestion

“Hidden Within: Scientists Discover ‘Obelisks,’ Mysterious RNA-Based Lifeforms in Human Microbiomes”


Scientists have uncovered a previously unknown lifeform, dubbed “obelisks,” residing within human microbiomes. These enigmatic entities, made of circular RNA that forms rod-like structures, were identified during a comprehensive analysis of genetic patterns. Obelisks inhabit bacterial cells in the mouth and gut, with 50% of individuals harboring them in oral microbiota and 7% in gut bacteria.

Unlike anything previously classified, obelisks lack traditional protein-coding genes and defy conventional definitions of life. They may be evolutionary remnants influencing Earth’s biodiversity, with potential implications for human health and microbiome dynamics. Laboratory observations show that obelisks interact with bacteria like Streptococcus sanguinis and produce a unique protein, obulin, whose role remains mysterious.

While their ecological function is speculative, obelisks could range from parasitic to symbiotic. Further research aims to uncover their origin, transmission, and impact on microbial ecosystems—and potentially human health.